Lately here in Tennessee, we have had some pretty cold temperatures and plenty of rain.  This is the 3rd wettest winter in history from what I have been told around here.  I have some ways to beat cabin fever….. So here they are:

1.  Make a new meal that uses a recipe you have never tried. Your family will thank you.

2. Order some old classic movies from Amazon.  They are inexpensive for used, but like new condition ones.  Bring back fun, old times.

3.  Have some close friends over for a game night.  I say close friends because then if your house isn’t perfectly clean, it’s ok, chances are they have seen it a bit messy before anyway.

4.  Have a picnic inside with your kids.  Sit on the floor. Kids get a kick out of it when parents sit on the floor with them.  Get down to their level and make some memories, even if you have to use pillows.

5.  Have a family meeting.  It gives a chance to ask the kids their opinions and make them feel as though they count too.  Find out what goals and wishes they have.  (Take Notes)

6.  Clean out a closet, under the bed, the oven, etc.  This one always seems awful, but then when you actually do it, you feel great like you really accomplished something. It physically gives you a burst of energy from accomplishment.

7.  Watch home movies or go through old pictures from when you were younger.  A good laugh is good medicine.

8. Have a reading hour.  Everyone read so the house is quiet. This is easier for children when they know the set amount of time to read.

9.  Cut your favorite things out of the stacks of magazines you have been saving, then throw the rest away.  I like to make a binder of just my favorite pages.

10.  Call Grandmas or friends you haven’t talked to in a long time.  It will brighten their day too!

11.  Walk around your house making a list of things you would like to accomplish in your house within the next year.  Take measurements if needed- maybe new curtains or paint a room.  Brainstorm on paper!

12.  If all else fails, there’s always good ol’ puzzles or drawing -like we did when we were younger and there wasn’t all of this tech stuff.  It’s good for us to go simple which is why coloring is back!

Published by Jenny Lee in Tennessee

Bringing Fun Stories, Recipes, and Hope to Everyone! Just spreading the love and butter.

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